A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Human Anatomy Simplified 

This is a virtual reality application built to help human anatomy and physiology students to learn about the different types of skin diseases and wounds on various skin types.

There are three different skin types available for users to explore. The application requires user to select body type, then find wounds on human body by pointing at the wounds.

Once all the wounds present on the body are found, user gets a success message.

For moving the first-person controller user, the controls are as follows:

You can use mouse movement for setting user's direction.

  1. Move Forward : "W" or Up Arrow Key (↑)
  2. Move Right : "D" or Right Arrow Key (→)
  3. Move Left : "A" or Left Arrow Key (←)
  4. Move Backwards : "S" or Down Arrow Key (↓)

The game can be reloaded by pressing 'R' key.


Model_Reality.exe 638 kB

Install instructions

The game can be used by downloading Mac-specific or Windows-specific version file to your local system.